Dental prosthetics & dentures

Dental Garant provides solutions of the highest precision and quality in the field of prosthetics, such as:

  • Full-aesthetic ceramic crown
  • Fully physiognomic crown on zirconia support
  • Mobile or fixed dentures
  • Zirconia-supported and metal-supported ceramic dental bridges.

Dental crowns are those prosthetic works that cover the visible part of the teeth. They have several functions, fulfilling the following roles:

  • Aesthetic - which relates to integration with the rest of the teeth in terms of size, shape or colour;
  • Chewing - which refers to the fact that chewing must be able to be done comfortably;
  • Phonetically - this is necessary so that the person's speech is not affected as a result of the operation;
  • Strength - the crown must maintain or even strengthen the strength of a tooth it covers.

Dental works:

  • Aesthetic metal-ceramic crown
  • Metal ceramic crown / implant
  • Temporary crown
  • E-max pressed ceramic veneer
  • Premium E-max pressed ceramic veneer.

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