What is the difference between inlay/onlay filling?

When a tooth is too destroyed to support a light-curing filling, a dental crown is recommended, but this requires deep grinding of the tooth, losing considerable amounts of its original structure. Inlays and onlays (called/translated "dental inlays") can be used instead of traditional fillings to restore teeth affected by carious processes or other structural defects. While light-curing fillings are applied by the dentist during a single session, inlays and onlays are constructed in the dental laboratory following an impression taken by the dentist.

What is the difference between a zirconium crown and a metal-ceramic crown?

Both materials are safe and biocompatible. Zirconium is very strong and hard. Zirconia resists high pressure very well and is used mainly in the posterior area, on teeth that bear the greatest masticatory forces. The absolutely obvious and undisputed advantage of zirconia-backed crowns over metal crowns is aesthetics. The metal is dark grey in colour. It is opacified and then veneered with ceramic, but the colour and translucency achieved with zirconia cannot be achieved with zirconia. The zirconia backing is white, available in several shades, making it even more possible to get the colour right. It can be used successfully in any area of the oral cavity, integrating perfectly into the dental arch.

When is a dental check-up necessary?

A dental check-up every 6 months is recommended for proper oral hygiene.

From what age should you first go with your child to the pediatric dentist?

It is recommended that your child's first visit to the dentist is when they are approaching 1 year old. Depending on the child's needs, the paediatrician will recommend the frequency of subsequent visits but, although it may seem frequent, most dentists are of the opinion that the child's teeth and gums should be monitored every 6 months as this prevents possible gum disease and the development of caries.

What does total dental rehabilitation involve?

Oral rehabilitation consists of diagnosing oral pathologies and those of the temporomandibular joint or musculature. The aim is to correct changes resulting from the loss of teeth or changes in their position and braces. The oral rehabilitation treatment is personalised and clinical and paraclinical examinations are recommended, such as: study models, computer tomography X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging. Subsequently, all infectious and inflammatory processes are treated by dental extractions or removal of dental nerves. Where necessary, dental canals are treated and dental implants can be inserted in areas of gaps where there are no teeth.

Why is it necessary to pivot after endodontic treatment?

When the dental crown is not completely destroyed, there are situations when, due to advanced decay, the tooth is left with thin and weak walls. In these situations, the dental post has the function of replacing the destroyed dental tissues and thus the stability of the dental crown that will be made over it will be considerably increased.

What does hybenx treatment involve?

Hybenx is an oral tissue decontamination agent that rapidly removes bacterial biofilm, effective in any dental treatment. It reduces inflammation in areas affected by periodontitis and removes infected parts, increasing patient comfort through a painless and rapid process. Enhances the effectiveness of standard hygiene procedures by removing residual biofilm/plaque components that remain in cracks, fissures and crevices of tooth structures and gum tissue following standard mechanical procedures.

What is PRP plasma treatment, and what does it do?

PRP plasma therapy is a procedure that has been used for many years with great success. The treatment basically consists of injecting the patient with plasma enriched with the patient's own platelets. Platelet-enriched plasma or PRP therapy uses the patient's own blood, but with a higher concentration of platelets (platelets), which have the miraculous ability to regenerate and heal the site where they are injected.

What dental operations can be performed with the dental laser?

The dental laser can be used for all periodontal procedures, also for gingivectomies, gingivoplasty, ablations, tooth whitening, minimally invasive treatment of dental caries. Laser treatment is an adjuvant in endodontic, surgical treatments; it is used for gingival depigmentation and dental tattooing.

What is the difference between digital scanning with an intra-oral scanner and traditional fingerprinting.

Without a doubt, fingerprinting is much more efficient than traditional fingerprinting. The advantages of digitally scanned impressions using an intra-oral scanner are: - takes less than a minute; - more convenient; - no spoons and impression materials, so no gag reflex; - scans the patient's entire mouth and occlusion (bite) in one step, without errors; - no shrinkage reactions or damage to the silicone as with conventional impression materials (these accidents often result in inaccurate work or the need to re-print); - accuracy: any microdetail of the prosthetic field is recorded at micron level with maximum accuracy; - quality treatment: an accurate impression will always generate an accurate work.

What are dental veneers and how can they help me?

Veneers allow you to give your teeth the shape, colour and size you want. With them, you can hide small bite defects, gaps between teeth, chipped or yellowed teeth. Simply put, create the perfect Hollywood smile.

What are dental veneers made of?

There are two types of veneers: ceramic and composite. Ceramic facings are distinguished by their long life and most natural appearance. Composite material is an option for a short period of time. Composite facings are aesthetically inferior. Sooner or later, they will peel, change colour, or crack.

What is the procedure for installing dental veneers?

An impression of the teeth is taken and sent to the laboratory. The dental technician creates a model of the future veneers and sends them to the clinic, where their appearance is agreed with the patient. After all wishes are taken into account, the doctor starts preparing the teeth. To attach a veneer it is necessary to grind a thin layer (approx. 0.5 mm) of the visible face of the tooth. Until the permanent veneers are ready, we will install temporary composite ones. At your next visit, leave the clinic with a perfect smile!

Is it necessary to grind teeth before cementing dental veneers?

Yes. Sanding is only done at the enamel level, not in the deeper layers. Instead of natural enamel, artificial enamel is applied which, unlike natural enamel, will not deteriorate.

Dental veneers vs. dental crowns? What's right for me?

A veneer is a plate that covers only the front of the teeth. Veneers are only indicated to correct aesthetic imperfections. The crown covers the tooth from all sides, restoring not only its appearance but also its functionality. So, to cover a tooth with a crown, it is sanded all around to 1.5-2 mm.

How do we choose the shape and colour of dental veneers?

Your dentist and dental technician should understand your wishes and preferences. If you are not sure you can make the right choice, we invite you to trust our specialists: their experience can help you choose the shape and colour that suits you.

How should dental veneers be cared for?

Facets do not require special care! As with natural teeth, it is advisable to brush twice a day and visit your dentist regularly.⠀

Why do I need braces?

Orthodontic treatment solves several problems. The most obvious one is aesthetic. Orthodontic treatment also solves other, less obvious, but equally important problems: malocclusion and crowding can, over time, lead to serious periodontal disease, which can culminate in tooth loss. Aligned teeth can be cleaned more easily. This decreases the retention of plaque, so we have healthier teeth for longer.

What is the age limit for braces?

Orthodontic treatment does not depend on the patient's age. We can align teeth or correct malocclusions regardless of your age. Braces work at any age!

Does dental implant surgery hurt?

The surgery itself doesn't hurt. The implant insertion procedure is painless because it is performed under anaesthesia. During the healing period you may feel some tolerable tenderness; if necessary we will prescribe pain relief medication.

How often should I go for a dental check-up?

A consultation should be carried out about every 6 months. Detraction is recommended, depending on medical history, generally two or three times a year.

Why are my gums bleeding? Is this a cause for concern?

Bleeding gums are a warning sign that you are heading towards periodontal disease. These signs need to be treated at an early stage. Bleeding gums can eventually lead to permanent tooth loss, which most often occurs in the absence of pain. Thus, this sign may be the first symptom in the detection of periodontal diseases (gingivitis, periodontitis).

How often should I brush and floss my teeth?

Dental Garant dentists recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day. We recommend flossing at least once a day (before going to bed). Additionally, use mouthwash to clean your oral cavity.

What are the first symptoms of periodontal disease?

The first signs of periodontal disease are bleeding gums, tooth sensitivity, red and swollen gums and gum lesions.

Children subscription

$ 15 €

  • General consultation
  • Regular check-up every 6 months
  • Priority appointments (no emergency fee)
  • Dental scaling: 1/year
  • Fluoridation: 2/year
  • Tooth sealing: 2/year
  • 5 % emergency treatment (soothing dressing, endodontic drainage)
  • Home hygiene instructions.

Adults subscription

$ 20 €

  • Free general consultation
  • Personalised treatment plan
  • Regular check-up every 6 months
  • Priority appointments (no emergency fee)
  • Ultrasonic scaling: 1/year
  • 5 % discount on dental works over 1500 lei
  • Free specialist consultation (endodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics, surgery)
  • Fillings: 2/year
  • Recall (we take care to remind you)
  • Free consultation for family members/a dear friend.

Standard subscriptionRecommended

$ 40 €

  • General consultation
  • Personalised treatment plan
  • Regular check-up every 6 months
  • Free specialist consultation (endodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics, surgery)
  • Priority appointments (no emergency fee)
  • Ultrasonic scaling: 2/year
  • Professional brushing: 2/year
  • Fillings: 2/year
  • 5 % discount on dental works over 1500 lei
  • 10% discount on whitening with Zoom lamp
  • Free consultation for family members/a dear friend
  • 10% discount on sanitation for family members/a dear friend
  • Recall (we take care to remind you)
  • 30% discount on emergency treatment.

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