albire dentara lampa Zoom, Bucuresti sector 1

Teeth whitening

  • Whitening of devitalized teeth
  • Whitening with dental trays at home
  • Professional in-office teeth whitening with Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed Lamp

Teeth whitening is a simple, non-invasive dental treatment used to change the colour of natural tooth enamel and is an ideal way to improve the beauty of your smile.

Whitening restores the healthy appearance of the teeth and has a great visual impact, a person with white teeth is always perceived as younger. Whitening procedures are varied and can be performed both in the dentist's office and at home, using whitening gels of various concentrations, as determined by the doctor.

estetica dentara Bucuresti sector 1, Dental Garant

There are two types of teeth whitening treatments: teeth whitening at home and professional teeth whitening in the dentist's office. Choosing the right type of treatment for you is done by your dentist, taking into account your needs and goals.

Professional in-office whitening treatment can be done with a light-curing lamp, or more recently, with laser technology. In both cases, hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) based substances are used which, once activated by a source of light energy, generate an oxidative reaction, removing unsightly enamel pigmentation. Laser whitening treatment takes less time and the results are better, because the oxidative reaction is much faster and more aggressive.

estetica dentara Bucuresti sector 1, Dental Garant

In-office teeth whitening treatment is recommended when you want a quick result. The combination of (professional) in-office teeth whitening and professional at-home whitening can provide the best long-term results.

Regardless of the type of teeth whitening chosen, the first necessary step is to assess the dental status, caries and possible gum recession from periodontal disease. Together with your dentist, you will assess the colour of your fillings. Based on this assessment, you will be shown, using a colour key, what the current colour is and what you can achieve by whitening.

Professional whitening treatment at home is also carried out with the help of your dentist, who will provide you with a whitening kit.

People up to the age of 30 will benefit most from the results of whitening treatments. As you get older, your enamel becomes thinner and through wear and tear, your dentin will look yellower. Under these conditions, although the results will be visible, they will not be spectacular.

Teeth whitening treatments are not recommended for:

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • Children under 16;
  • People with untreated carious lesions (cavities), cracked teeth and/or gum disease;
  • People with artificial teeth: the teeth whitening process has no effect on artificial surfaces; they do not whiten, but neither are they affected by the whitening process.

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