dr Costin Boja, implantologie, clinica stomatologie Dental Garant

Dr. Costin Boja

The job of surgeon is, without doubt, one of the most demanding professions, requiring a combination of medical knowledge and motor skills. Dr Boja has more than 15 years' experience and is characterised by meticulousness, calmness and precision.

Courses :
- Endodontic Treatment: From Simple To Complex 2010
- Professionalism, competence and art in dentistry 2012
- Apical resection for endodontists and general practitioners. Etiological dental resorptions, principles of treatment 2013
- Congresul Internațional de Stomatologie Estetică - 2015
- "3rd SKY fast & fixed Forum | 1st bredent group days South-East Europe" 2015
- Interdisciplinary methods, techniques and visions in dentistry 2016
- Multidisciplinary interferences in dentistry. Considerations on the choice and application of treatments in the resolution of complex cases and the use of evolving techniques and technologies in oral prevention and rehabilitation 2017
- Soft tissue management at the perioprosthetic interface 2018
- "Prevention and treatment of periimplantitis" 2018
- Principles, concepts and techniques of non-surgical & conventional surgical periodontal therapy 2018.

Dr Dorobantu Mihai
Medic dentist generalist

Dr. Mihai Dorobantu

Dr. Dorobantu Mihai este un absolvent al UMF Carol Davila București, promoția 2018. De-a lungul carierei sale, Dr. Dorobantu s-a dedicat îmbogățirii cunoștințelor sale în domeniul stomatologiei, participând la numeroase cursuri, workshop-uri și congrese naționale și internaționale. Printre cele mai notabile participări se numără:

Evenimente și Cursuri de Medicină Dentară

7-10 Octombrie: Congresul International UNAS, București.

26 Septembrie: Diagnosticul estetic & ce rămâne de făcut pentru stabilitate în timp cu Dr. Dan Pătroi.
5-8 Octombrie: Congresul International UNAS, București.

16-19 Martie: Primul Congres Internațional al Facultății de Medicină Dentară, UMF Carol Davila București.
18-20 Mai: Art of Estethics, București.
19 Mai: Workshop Zimmer Biomet Implants.
07 Septembrie: Restaurarea estetică a bonturilor dentare & implantare, Brașov.
4-7 Octombrie: Congresul International UNAS, București.
12 Octombrie: Analog vs. Digital cu Dr. Florin Cofar, București.
21-22 Noiembrie: Simpozionul UNAS, București.

17-18 Martie: Al Doilea Congres Internațional al Facultății de Medicină Dentară, UMF Carol Davila București.
17-19 Mai: Esthetic Connections, București.
17 Mai: Workshop: Piezosurgery/ More inventive, less invasive surgery – Aplications for piezotome with Dr. Cosmin Dima.
17 Mai: Workshop: Practical seminar on contemporay adhesive dentistry with Dr. Kosmas Tolidis.
17 Septembrie: One day composite cu Dr. Dan Lazăr, București.
24 Septembrie: Fațete: Crearea unui zâmbet de la planificare la cimentare, București.
29 Noiembrie: Experiență digitală pornind de la analogic, Dr. Florin Cofar, București.

2-5 Octombrie: Stomatologia între clasic și modern UNAS.
7-9 Noiembrie: Congresul National Medicina Dentara Moderna- Interferente multidisciplinare in medicina dentara. A.M.S.P.P.R Ardeal nord.

12-14 Noiembrie: Congresul National Medicina Dentara Moderna- Interferente multidisciplinare in medicina dentara.

27-29 Mai: Societatea Dentara Romana: Metode, tehnici si viziuni interdisciplinare in medicina dentara.
18 Septembrie: Posterior veneers, table-tops, veneerlays, Belograd academy.
27 noiembrie: Complete guide to veneer preps, Belograd academy.
23-25 Septembrie: Congresul National Medicina Dentara Moderna- Intre arta si stiinta/MAS Dentistry.
17-18 Decembrie: Curs Structure Bucuresti.

12 Septembrie: Posterior veneers, table-tops, veneerlays, Belograd academy.
6-8 Octombrie: Congresul Medicilor Stomatologi din București: Viziune, Performanta, Perspective in practica stomatologica.
3-5 Noiembrie: Congresului stiintific: “Interdisciplinaritatea si influentele digitale in terapia stomatologica moderna”.

dr Gruia Daniela estetica dentara, clinica stomatologie Dental Garant
Dental aesthetics

Dr. Daniela Gruia

The words that best describe it are "creation and inspiration". With over 18 years of experience, not only as a doctor but also as an entrepreneur, she has managed to build a reliable team with whom she creates smiles. For her, a tough case is a challenge that inspires her to create the possible where for others it has been impossible.

Symposium - "Medicalization of the therapeutic act in dental medicine" - 2017, Bucharest, Romania
Symposium - "Immediate loading implants vs late loading implants", 2014, Bucharest, Romania
Symposium - "Therapeutic attitude between functionality and aesthetics", 2015, Bucharest, Romania
Symposium - "Peculiarities of metal-ceramic works on implant success-failures", 2013, Bucharest "Maximum Aesthetics with Minimal Invasion" 2014, Bucharest
Congress "Implants connected to nature", 2013, Timisoara
Diploma EMC 50 "Methods, techniques and interdisciplinary visions in oral reality", 2013, Bucharest, Romania
„Advanced Implant Dentistry & Periodontics” 2013, Israel
"Marathon of Modern Dental Aesthetics", 2012, Brasov
"MIS Doctors Seminar", 2013, Bucharest, Romania
17th International Congress - UNAS
8th National Periodontology Conference
II International Congress of the Romanian Society of Dental and Maxillofacial Prosthetics
First National Conference of the Romanian Endodontic Association, 2013, Bucharest, Romania
10th UNAS International Congress, 2006, Bucharest, Romania
First International Conference on Periodontology, 2006, Bucharest, Romania
"The role of all-ceramic restorations in optimizing esthetic results", 2012, Bucharest, Romania
"Stratification and Anatomy- Posterior Teeth," 2011, Italy.
Certificate "Radiological protection in diagnostic and interventional radiology", 2016, Bucharest, Romania

dr Popa Alexandra, parodontologie, clinica stomatologie Dental Garant

Dr. Alexandra Popa

Young, professional and passionate, Dr. Popa is always looking to develop her knowledge and improve her skills whenever she has the opportunity. She empathizes with patients, providing minimally invasive periodontal treatments with excellent results.

- Congresul Internațional de Medicină Dentară pentru Studenți și Tineri Stomatologi DENTis 2018 - 15-18 martie 2018, Cluj-Napoca
- AMSPPR Paro-Protection Congress 28 February - 2 March 2019
- AMSPPR Paro-Protection Congress 2020

• Tooth preparation techniques for porcelain laminate veneers – march 2015
• Guided tissue regeneration of periodontal infra-bony defects- exercises on pig mandibule –march 2018
- Current techniques and tooth whitening management - 08 December 2018
• Deep margin elevation - a challenge? – 14 march 2019
- Overlay, the post-treatment adhesive solution for root canal - 30 May 2019
• Certificate of completion of the composite training - 6-7 june, Leuven, Belgia
- Guided therapy of bacterial biofilm - 21 September 2019, Pitesti
- Periodontology - principles of surgical therapy and notions of regenerative surgery - 28 September 2019, Ploiesti
- Applications of the Litetouch Er:Yag laser in periodontal and peri-implant treatments - 24 January 2020
- Oral Implantology Course, Module 1: "Incision techniques, flaps and sutures", Module 2: "Prosthetics on implants, impression techniques, fixed and mobile prosthetic restorations on implants", Swiss Teck, February 2020

Dr. Andrei Pavel
Stomatologie Generală

Dr. Andrei Pavel

Dr. Andrei Pavel a absolvit Facultatea de Medicină Dentară, secția Stomatologie Generală, de la Universitatea Titu Maiorescu în 2021. Dedicația și pasiunea sa pentru domeniu sunt reflectate în participarea la diverse evenimente și cursuri de specialitate:

Noi Tendințe în Implantologia Modernă - 2022
Congresul "Viziunea Interdisciplinară în Medicina Dentară", Ediția a XI-a, 26-28 Aprilie 2023, București
Congresul Medicilor Stomatologi, 5-7 octombrie 2023 - "Perspectivele prevenției în stomatologie"

dr Ionita Cristian endodontie, clinica stomatologie Dental Garant

Dr. Cristi Ioniță

Calculating and precise, with over 14 years of experience, Dr. Cristi Ionita performs endodontic treatments with high precision and speed, without compromise.
dr Nita Mirela protetica dentara, clinica stomatologie Dental Garant
Dentistry & Prosthetic Restorations

Dr. Mirela Niță

Fixed, mobile and implant prosthetic restorations are her specialty. Patience, calmness and meticulousness are needed to make a work approach perfection, qualities that define her exactly.

Meaplasma în cosmetologie și dematologie, 2018
Meaplasma în stomatologie, 2018
ABC in endodontics or everything you need to know for a predictable endodontic practice, 2018, Timisoara
Current techniques and tooth whitening management, 2019

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